The Visitor Experience Platform
Create digital visitor experiences to ensure the sustainable business success of your events
Tailored for your business
Plan and organize your events exactly as your business requires
Custom Designs
We design your event portal exactly according to your corporate design guidelines
Custom Workflows
We implement your event workflow exactly according to your process requirements
Custom Objects
We develop the properties of all content types exactly according to your specifications
Features you need
Our Unique Selling Propositions
Security - Highest security standards based on comprehensive security audits
Data Privacy - High security standards according to current data protection guidelines
Access Control - Consistent processes for authentication, authentification and authorization
Usability - High usability based on the latest standards and technologies
Performance - Tested response time behaviour based on extensive load tests
Operation - Free choice between cloud or in-house on-premise operation
Integration - High integration capability in customer-specific infrastructures
Interfaces - Standardized interfaces for connection to third-party systems
WooCommerce Categories: Event Planning and FEATURED WOOCOMMERCEWooCommerce Tags: digital visitor experiences, event portal and event workflow